The Nimba University (NU) started as a Nimba County Community College (NCCC), created by an Act of the 52nd National Legislature of Liberia, on September 16, 2010. After eleven years of successful operations, the college was elevated to a full-fledged university to offer bachelor’s degrees, through an Act passed by the National Legislature of Liberia on August 31, 2021, and approved by the President of Liberia, His Excellency George Manneh Weah, on September 27, 2021.

The history of Nimba University, formerly the Nimba County Community College, is characterized by adventures, perseverance, accomplishments, and challenges. It is a story that reflects the undaunted determination of a committed group of professionals, and one that fulfills the collective dream and aspiration of the Nimba People conceived and nurtured by the torchbearers of education in Nimba County. The institution came about through the visionary leadership of Her Excellency, Madam Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, President of Liberia (2006 -2017), as a fulfillment of her promise to decentralize higher education in Liberia.

Administration of Dr. Yar Donlah Gonway-Gono (October 2010 – July 8, 2018) In October 2010, Dr. Yar Donlah Gonway-Gono was appointed as the first and pioneering President of the Nimba County Community College, by her Excellency Madam Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, President of the Republic of Liberia. Hence, Dr. Gono, in her desire to build a vibrant and competitive academic and professional institution, set out to recruit qualified and experienced professionals of diverse backgrounds. On September 19, 2011, the Nimba County Community College (NCCC), now the Nimba University (NU), formally commenced full academic and operational activities, with a total number of 77 employees, comprising 4 Senior Administrative Staff; 18 Junior Administrative, and Support Staff; 34 Academic Staff, and 21 Security and Maintenance Staff. The college started with a total student population of 438 in September 2011. Dr. Gono served the Nimba County Community College (NCCC), now the Nimba University (NU), from October 2010 to July 8, 2018), and was relieved of her position due to the change in the administration of government at the national level. 

Achievements of Dr. Gono’s Administration

As a pioneering President, Dr. Yar Donlah Gonway-Gono was instrumental in laying the foundation for the advancement of the college which, among other things, includes the following: Building Partnerships with international NGOs and other institutions that resulted in the below accomplishments:

  • The construction of a modern “state of the art” Soil Laboratory
  • The construction of a Compost Center
  • The Establishment of the Center of Excellence in Agriculture
    The construction, furnishing, and equipping of a modern Library
  • The construction of a modern Cafeteria
  • The establishment of an Early Childhood Education and Development Center
  • Establishment of Collaboration with Conservation International in the area of Natural Resource Management, leading to the creation of environmental awareness, education, forestry, and scientific research.
  • The Establishment of a partnership with Stella Maris Polytechnic – Mother Pattern College of Health Sciences, leading to the awarding of scholarships to NCCC for faculty development in the area of advanced Nursing Education at the Master’s Level.
  • The construction of a Billboard and Welcome Gate at the college entrance.

Administration of Dr. Edward Lama Wonkeryor (July 9, 2018 – August 30, 2021) On July 9, 2018, Dr. Edward Lama Wonkeryor was appointed as the second President of the Nimba County Community College (NCCC), now the Nimba University (NU), by His Excellency, Dr. George Manneh Weah, President of the Republic of Liberia.

The Quest for Elevation of NCCC
As a renowned scholar who believes in the promotion of quality education, Dr. Wonkeryor after his appointment immediately began to work for the elevation of the Nimba County Community College (NCCC) to full-fledged university status. On May 16, 2020, the National Commission on Higher Education (NCHE) of the Republic of Liberia approved the application of the Nimba County Community (NCCC), for possible elevation to full-fledged university status, having thoroughly reviewed the profile of the Faculty and Staff, and the Curriculum of the college, NCCC.

Formal Elevation of NCCC
On August 31, 2021, the National Legislature of Liberia passed the Act elevating NCCC to a full-fledged university status, which the President of Liberia subsequently approved, His Excellency Dr. George Manneh Weah, and printed into Handbill on September 27, 2021. This milestone achievement is credited to the desirable and dynamic leadership of Dr. Edward Lama Wonkeryor.

Other Accomplishments of Dr. Wonkeryor

  • Engagement with ArcelorMital Liberia, Inc., which led to the annual payment of U.S. $50,000.00 (Fifty Thousand United States Dollars), towards the enhancement of the Geology and Mining Program at NCCC/NU;
  • The offering of financial aid to Faculty and Staff, from the Nimba County Social Development Fund of U.S. $50,000.00 (Fifty Thousand United States Dollars), to facilitate their graduate studies at various universities;
  • The establishment of partnerships with UNDP and the Ministry of Health/Global Fund, Republic of Liberia, led to the training of life skills in carpentry to selected youth, and para-medical personnel in Laboratory Technology, by UNDP and the Ministry of Health/Global Fund, respectively;
  • The awarding of U.S. $30,000.00 (Thirty Thousand United States Dollars) for the Agriculture Project, for the development and distribution of palm nurseries to selected local farmers; and
  • The initial construction of a ten-classroom Geo-Sciences Building, with U.S. $15,000.00 (Fifteen Thousand United States Dollars) initial financial contribution by the Cummings Africa Foundation.

Administration of Dr. Jesse Noah Mongrue (August 30, 2021 – Present)
On August 30, 2021, Dr. Jesse Noah Mongrue was appointed as the third President of the Nimba County Community College, now the Nimba University, by His Excellency, Dr. George Manneh Weah, President of the Republic of Liberia. Dr. Mongrue’s assumption of leadership at the institution was initially stalled by agitations from the Faculty and Students over a host of issues, especially regarding salary discrepancies and students’ welfare. However, the crisis was resolved by the intervention of the NCCC’s former Board of Trustees, which was reconstituted by the Nimba County Legislative Caucus, to preside over the affairs of the institution for a six-month duration.

Accomplishments of Dr. Mongrue
So far, Dr. Mongrue has made the following strides:

  • Resolution of the Faculty and Students’ agitation in collaboration with the Board of Trustees;
  • Securing office space in Monrovia for Nimba University (NU);
  • The Establishment of a partnership with USAID for the possible construction of a proposed Early Childhood Development and Education facility at NU; and
  • Engaging the Chinese Embassy near Monrovia to lobby for scholarships for some Faculty to pursue advanced graduate and post-graduate degrees.

Senior Vice Presidents
Over the past 10 years, the Nimba County Community College (NCCC), now the Nimba University (NU), has had the following Senior Vice Presidents: The Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Vice President for Administration as follows:






Augustus N. O. Kwaidah

2011 - 2014


Daiba Kou Patience Tozay

2014 – Jul. 8, 2018


Assoc. Professor Peter N. Ben, Sr.

Oct. 2018 – Mar. 2022


Dr. Samuel N. Duo

Mar. 2022 - present









James G. Thompson

2011 – 2012


Assoc. Prof. Edwin F. Kruah

2012 – Mar. 2022


Assoc. Prof. Peter N. Ben, Sr.

Mar. 2022 - present