Retrospect of the university By Dr. Jesse Noah Mongrue President of Nimba University


Retrospect of the University

By Dr. Jesse Noah Mongrue

 President, Nimba University


The 8th Commencement Convocation Speaker, Hon. Dehpue Y. Zuo, Deputy Minister for Economic Management,

Ministers, Deputy Ministers, Assistant Ministers and other officials of National Government of Liberia,

The superintendent and Officials of Nimba County Administration,

The Chairman and members of the Nimba Legislative Caucus,

Chairman and members of the Nimba University Board of Trustees, headed by Cllr. Boakai Julius Paegar,

Dr. Edward Lama Wonkeryor, Director General of the National Commission on Higher Education, Republic of Liberia,

Presidents and Vice Presidents of other institutions of higher learning,

Members of the Clergy,

Leaders of corporations and business entities in Liberia,

Vice Presidents, Associate Vice Presidents, Assistant Vice Presidents and other Administrators of Nimba University,

Deans, Directors, and Supervisors of the university,

Chairman, officials, and members of the Nimba University Faculty Association,

All distinguished invited guests, President and members of the graduating class—"the Class of Zlan Ya Keh," meaning "God has done it"—parents, relatives, students, and friends of the graduating class, 

Chiefs and Elders of this astute county,

Members of the Fourth Estate,  

Support staff, our Security Apparatus, and Janitors, 

Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen:


Let me begin by recognizing everyone who has turned out today for this special occasion, particularly at our 8th Commencement Convocation. This is also my third graduation exercise as the first president of Nimba University.

The 2023–2024 academic year, in which this commencement convocation is being held, has presented several challenges. As a result, we are holding the 8th Commencement Convocation today instead of the originally scheduled date of May 25, 2024. I do not wish to dwell on the litany of challenges we have faced. Instead, I would like to focus on the success we are celebrating today, as we award degrees to the young men and women who have truly earned their achievements. I would like to express my deepest thanks and appreciation to the various institutions, organizations, and individuals who have contributed to the sustainability of the university.

I would also like to extend my sincere thanks and appreciation to His Excellency, President Joseph Nyumah Boakai, President of the Republic of Liberia, for his unwavering support for education and for Nimba University in particular. Moreover, I am grateful to the Government of Liberia for instituting its lifelong educational endeavor, the "Government Tuition-Free Policy," a program that was initiated during George Manneh Weah's administration and continues to benefit students of Nimba University under President Joseph Nyumah Boakai's administration. In a very short period of time, significant progress has been made in implementing rigorous public policies.

It has also been a great honor to work with a distinguished Board of Trustees. I am, of course, referring to the Nimba University's Board of Trustees.

Many of the members of our Board of Trustees are highly accomplished individuals in government, the private sector, education, the legal field, and administration. I trust that this mutually beneficial working relationship will continue as we work together to elevate Nimba University to the next level, a level that is unique in the history of tertiary education, not only in Liberia but also globally.

Ladies and gentlemen, my vision is for Nimba University to be an institution that is perpetually open to new ideas, fostering an environment where creativity thrives. This vision is centered on making the university a place that offers opportunities for both students and staff to excel in every endeavor. It is through this commitment to excellence and innovation that we will distinguish ourselves as a unique and exceptional institution, capable of making sound pedagogical decisions that set us apart.


Today, at this 8th Commencement Convocation, Nimba University is proud to graduate a total of 119 students across various disciplines from six colleges and four non-degree programs. This achievement has been made possible through the steadfast support of former leaders of this institution, the members of our Board of Trustees, the Nimba Legislative Caucus, and Nimba-based organizations such as UNICO, TADA, and many other groups who have sponsored students at this university. I extend a heartfelt thank you to each and every one of you.

The support we have received also extends to the leadership of the Faculty Association, the dedicated faculty members, and the entire student body. However, as we continue to grow, so do our needs. Therefore, we humbly call upon the Nimba Legislative Caucus to please use its influence to ensure that the university's budget is increased to commensurate with its present day reality. With the operation of six colleges and four non-degree programs, coupled with increasing student enrollment each semester, we face new challenges that require the attention and support of stakeholders like you. Your continued commitment is essential to the upkeep and advancement of this great institution. Let us all work together to ensure that Nimba University remains a beacon of hope and excellence for generations to come.


Progress Achieved During the 2023/2024 Academic Year:

  • Strengthening Relationships: We have successfully maintained strong working relationships among the leadership and members of the faculty association, the student body, and the administration.
  • Restoration of Peace and Stability: Our campus has seen the restoration of peace and stability, creating a conducive environment for learning and development.
  • Salary Adjustments: Through the intervention of our current Board of Trustees and the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning, we have successfully modified the salaries of all employees on the government payroll.


  • Staff Development: Significant strides have been made in staff development, with more than 10 of our instructors currently pursuing Master’s degrees. Five of these instructors have already completed their programs, four of whom studied in China and one in Kigali, Rwanda, while the rest are diligently working towards their qualifications.


  • D. Programs: We are also proud to report that three of our instructors are nearing the completion of their Ph.D. programs in Nigeria.

Additionally, two instructors are pursuing Master’s degrees in Kampala, Uganda; one instructor is in Sierra Leone and another in Ghana, each finishing their Master’s programs soon. This month, two instructors will be leaving for Kampala, Uganda, and one for Kigali, Rwanda, to begin their Master’s programs.


New Initiatives Across Various Colleges:

College of Natural Sciences:

  • Inter High School Laboratory Demonstration Program: As part of Nimba University's social responsibility, we have launched this program to engage with local high schools.
  • WASSCE Tutorial Classes: We are offering tutorial classes to help students prepare for the West African Secondary School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) retakes.
  • Microbiology and Water Quality Training: A new three-month certificate program in Microbiology and Water Quality is set to begin in October.

College of Education and Social Sciences:

  • USAID’s TEST Program: Nimba University is one of eight universities participating in USAID’s Transforming Education for Students and Teachers (TEST) program in Liberia. This five-year initiative, running from 2022 to 2026, aims to train 3,500 foundational teachers.
  • Currently, we have over 200 students enrolled in the program.
  • Nimba University has been awarded 175 scholarships to sponsor eligible students, furthering our commitment to accessible education.

College of Agriculture and Food Sciences:

  • The major highlight for this college this year is the RETRAP project, sponsored by the World Bank through the Ministry of Agriculture. This project includes the construction of a "Model Piggery Building," which is now nearing completion.

College of Health Sciences:

  • A significant achievement for the College of Health Sciences is the successful completion of the Nursing Assessment, which has led to the elevation of our Nursing program to a bachelor's degree level. Students in this program can now earn a Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree.

College of Engineering and Geosciences:

  • The College of Engineering and Geosciences is making great strides with the ongoing construction of a four-story building on campus. The signing of a contract between the university and a construction company is scheduled to take place a few weeks after this convocation, marking the commencement of the next phase of this ambitious project.

College of Business and Public Administration:

This November, the College of Business and Public Administration will launch six new certificate programs. These programs include:

  • Procurement Training
  • Logistics Training
  • Ward House Management Training
  • Customer Service Training
  • Project Management Training
  • QuickBooks Training

Purpose of My Recent Trip to the United States:

The recent trip to the United States was focused on fostering mutually beneficial relationships between Nimba University and U.S. institutions. Additionally, I engaged with Liberian-based organizations in the diaspora, such as UNICO, TADA, and others, to establish partnerships aimed at assisting the university with development strategies.

Key initiatives discussed included the establishment of the "Nimbaland Endowment" fund and other development programs designed to advance the mission and growth of Nimba University.

Engagements During the U.S. Trip:

During these engagements, our partners expressed a strong interest in supporting Nimba University. To date, a total of six universities, one community college, and the Hubert Humphrey Job Corps, managed by the U.S. Department of Labor, have shown enthusiasm for establishing partnerships. The institutions visited during my trip included:

  • Bethel University
  • Concordia University
  • Hamline University
  • Saint Catherine University
  • Saint Mary's University
  • Saint Thomas University
  • North Hennepin Community College
  • Hubert Humphrey Job Corps

Constraints and Challenges:

The year 2024 has been particularly challenging in terms of budgetary constraints for our university. It is, frankly, unrealistic ladies and gentlemen to expect an institution like Nimba University, which operates six colleges and four non-degree programs to function effectively with an annual budget of $1,523,360.00 USD. This budgetary allocation is simply inadequate.

We are appealing to President Boakai’s administration to redouble its efforts in providing both financial and material support to enable the university to operate efficiently and effectively. We also call on the Nimba Legislative Caucus to please leverage its influence to ensure that the university’s budget is increased. Given the responsibilities associated with running six colleges and four non-degree programs, these challenges are inevitable. With adequate budgetary support, many of the university’s pressing challenges could be addressed, at least to a certain extent.

Key Challenges Include:

  • Salary disparities within the university
  • Provision of incentives for staff
  • Addressing critical staff development needs
  • Recruitment of additional professionals
  • Investing in research and development, a critical area in the higher education landscape
  • Support for international development programs

Additionally, there are other areas that require immediate attention, such as staff housing, student dormitories, and expanding office and classroom space for instructional purposes.

Very recently, government retirement policies, which have affected 28 of our employees, represent another challenge that the university is still working to adjust to. Despite these hurdles, I am confident that 2024 will continue to accentuate the values and principles of cooperation and mutual understanding between the university and all of its stakeholders, just as we experienced in 2023.

As I conclude, I would like to express my deep gratitude to all of you for your participation in today's program. Before I take my seat, I leave you with three rhetorical questions:

  • If not us, then who?
  • If not now, then when?
  • If not here, then where?

Thank you very much for your attention!