Information on TVET Program

TVET (Technical and Vocational Education Training).

This program is the part of educational system that provides career-oriented courses that are employment focus, with the view to supply society’s labor market with competent and friendly technicians. The program is headed by a director with well-industrial experience.


 Technical and Vocational Education Training program was introduced by the Nimba County Community College (NCCC), now Nimba University in 2013 as one of the core areas of focus to prepare (gender based) participants for domestic and industrial careers with the capability to enhance the growth and development of the Liberian economy.

Due to the EBOLA out-break followed by COVID-19, along with lack of fund to facilitate the effective operation of the program; it became idle for few years.  However, the program, upon public demand, came alive and was re-activated in May 2018 with nine instructors with a DIRECTOR as its functional head.


To provide the needed Technical skills and expertise that would develop the nation’s (Liberia) present young and unborn generations into a technically trained and useful citizens.


Youths and individuals that are in need of technical skills to improve their lives.

High schools graduates and/or drop-out lacking vocational and technical skills that may need such education without degree commitment.

Achievement:  Certificate of Proficiency.

NU-TVET program offers the below courses:

  1. General Electricity/Electronic
  2. General Automotive (Heavy & Light duties)
  3. Building Trade (Plumbing, Masonry, Carpentry)


The NU-TVET training program has the following components:

  1. Training period-----20 months

Campus based combined theoretical and practical training: -- 16 months

  1. Internship: 4 months.
  2. Grading system: Practical (70%), Theory (30%)
  3. Staff qualification: (BSc, Advance technical school diploma or certificate. 3 yrs. work and teaching experience).
  4. Staff development: Training for staff improvement is always available based on our constant negotiation with relevant agencies and entities. On March 4, 2019, two TVET instructors were sent AML-VTC for teacher improvement in-service-training. Again, on August 4, 2019 three TVET instructors were sent for 4-week intensive advance carpentry in-service training in rubber wood processing at BWI.


    Admission opportunity at NU-TVET is opened to all youths/candidates that are desirous of obtaining vocational/technical education. An aptitude/placement test is administered by the admission office and successful candidates are short listed for recruitment. 

    A grade point of 60% and above is set aside as bench mark for candidates’ recruitment.

    The NU-TVET program is gender sensitive; therefore, encourages female youths to take advantage of the training opportunity to prepare themselves for the challenges ahead of them.

    All candidates must have obtained 10th grade and above (including dropouts) to be qualified for admission.

    NU-TVET is gender sensitive; therefore, encourages female to take full advantage of the program.

    Facilities to House Students: Presently there are two buildings for instructional purpose:

    Building # 1, houses two programs (Electricity and Automotive).

    Building # 2, houses two programs (Building trade and Academic courses), plus two office spaces, Director and Deputy Director.

    TVET financial system

    All fees (entrance, registration, tuition and other fees) are deposited directly into the TVET two accounts, USD & LRD. All TVET expenditures are made based on written requests from the TVET Director’s office to the Nimba University Business Finance Office (BFO) for further processing.

    Entrance fees, at present, is one thousand seven hundred Liberian dollars (L$1,700.00). However, depending on the prevailing economic condition, there may be fluctuation in all fees from time to time.


    1. NU-TVET program offers the below courses:
      1. General Electricity/Electronic
      2. General Automotive (Heavy & Light duties)
      3. Building Trade (Plumbing, Masonry, Carpentry)

    NU-TVET program has the following components:

    1. Training period-----20 months

    Campus based combined theoretical and practical training: -- 16 months

    1. Internship: 4 months.
    2. Grading system: Practical (70%), Theory (30%)
    3. Staff qualification: (BSc, Advance technical school diploma or certificate. 3 yrs. work and teaching experience).
    4. Staff development: Training for staff improvement is always available based on our constant negotiation with relevant agencies and entities. On March 4, 2019, two TVET instructors were sent AML-VTC for teacher improvement in-service-training. Again, on August 4, 2019 three TVET instructors were sent for 4-week intensive carpentry training in rubber wood processing at BWI.



In Progress, Coming Soon!